So I arrived in Auckland on Monday afternoon (lunch time) and had to navigate my way to the Backpaker Car Market from where I bought my car. I've heard horror stories about people not being able to sell their cars/vans due to the low season demand being terrible for vehicles. Anyway after finding my way around (actually it was surprisingly easy) I took my van into the Backpacker Car Market.
I've been thinking of selling strategies and whether I could donate my car to the Salvation Army if I don't manage to sell or put it on consignment somewhere.
After a few hours we had a couple of people come through and I felt a bit better. No buyers though.
After closing time I found BK Hostel on K Rd. Great place. Good people and clean and cheap. I was recommended this by Steve and Katie (another couple who were selling their van and had just got a buyer!).
The next morning I headed out and made my way to an Internet Cafe and decided to make some flyers and to highlight the selling points of my Van. Later that morning I had a buyer! And in the afternoon I managed to sell and finalize the transaction. A relief!!